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Subject / Keyword
- 280Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
- 92Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 19Poverty--Statistics
- 17Needs assessment
- 15Community welfare councils
- 13Community development, Urban
Item type
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 160Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 16Edmonton Council of Community Services
- 15Edmonton Welfare Council
- 14Council of Community Services of Edmonton and District
- 9Edmonton Council of Social Agencies
- 5Community Trends Working Group
- 278Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)
- 94Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/History and Roles of the Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 44Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Community Development and Planning (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 41Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Children, Youth and Family (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 21Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Non-Profit Sector (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 13Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Health (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
Tracking the trends: future directions for human services in Edmonton. Special feature on immigrants.
Edmonton Social Planning Council
\"Tracking the Trends looks at the major social and economic trends likely to influence human services in Edmonton- now and in the near future. The 1991 [3rd] edition has, as its special focus, trends and service implications as they affect Edmonton's immigrant population.\"
21 - 30 of 280