Skip to Search Results- 11Search Filters - Ovid MEDLINE Database
- 9Search Filters
- 8Expert Searching
- 7Search Hedges
- 5Pediatrics
- 4RCT
- 39University of Alberta Library
- 26University of Alberta Library/Health Sciences Search Filters
- 12University of Alberta Library/Libraries Staff Publications
- 8Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of
- 7Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of/Alberta Research Centre for Health Evidence (ARCHE)
- 2Northern Alberta Health Libraries Association (NAHLA)
Brief Emergency Department Interventions for Youth Who Use Alcohol and Other Drugs: A Systematic Review
Gokiert, Rebecca, Wild, T. Cameron, Newton, Amanda S., Mabood, Neelam, Ata, Nicole, Dong, Kathryn, Ali, Samina, Hartling, Lisa, Vandermeer, Ben, Tjosvold, Lisa
Objective: Brief intervention (BI) is recommended for use with youth who use alcohol and other drugs. Emergency departments (EDs) can provide BIs at a time directly linked to harmful and hazardous use. The objective of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of EDbased BIs....
Filter to Retrieve Studies Related to Indigenous Peoples of the Northwest Territories in the OVID MEDLINE Database
Tjosvold, Lisa, Campbell, Sandy, Dorgan, Marlene
This is one of a suite of filters designed to retrieve studies related to Canadian Indigenous Peoples from the OVID MEDLINE database. This filter is specific to the Northwest Territories.
Tjosvold, Lisa, Klassen, Terry P., Bialy, Liza M., Hartling, Lisa, Vandermeer, Ben, Johnson, David W., Patel, Hema, Plint, Amy C., Fernandes, Ricardo M.
BACKGROUND: Previous systematic reviews have not shown clear benefit of glucocorticoids for acute viral bronchiolitis, but their use remains considerable. Recent large trials add substantially to current evidence and suggest novel glucocorticoid-including treatment approaches. OBJECTIVES: To...
Randomized Controlled Trials / Controlled Clinical Trials: A Cut and Paste Search Strategy adapted from the Cochrane ENT Group for Web of Science
Randomized Controlled Trials / Controlled Clinical Trials: A Cut and Paste Search Strategy adapted from the Cochrane ENT Group for Web of Science
This filter is designed to retrieve randomized controlled trials from the Web of Science database. It is a cut and paste filter was adapted from “RCT Filters used by Cochrane ENT. Oxford (UK): Cochrane ENT Group; 2018.”
Seale, Linda, Dorgan, Marlene, Campbell, Sandy, Storie, Dale, Chan, Liza, Chor, Louis
On October 26, 2011, The John W. Scott Health Sciences Library at the University of Alberta opened a Traditional and Indigenous Healing Collection.
Prognosis Studies: A Cut and Paste Search Strategy Translated for PubMed
This filter is a cut-and-paste version of a filter created by Wilczynski, Haynes, et al (2004). The filter is designed to retrieve prognostic studies from the PubMed database
Randomized Controlled Trials / Controlled Clinical Trials: A Cut and Paste Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search Strategy for PubMED
Randomized Controlled Trials / Controlled Clinical Trials: A Cut and Paste Cochrane Highly Sensitive Search Strategy for PubMED
This filter is designed to retrieve randomized controlled trials from the PubMed database. It is a cut and paste version of a filter published in the Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews of Interventions.