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Author / Creator / Contributor
- 16Edmonton Welfare Council
- 1Alberta Council for Crippled Children and Adults
- 1Calgary Social Planning Council
- 1Canadian Citizenship Branch
- 1Canadian Native Friendship Centre
- 1Division of Alcoholism, Department of Health
Subject / Keyword
- 15Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
- 5Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 2Needs assessment--Forecasting
- 1Alcoholics--Rehabilitation--Planning
- 1Alcoholism--Alternative treatment
- 1Canada, Alberta
- 16Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)
- 6Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/History and Roles of the Edmonton Social Planning Council
- 2Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Health (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 2Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Children, Youth and Family (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 2Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Seniors (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
- 2Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)/Non-Profit Sector (Edmonton Social Planning Council)
Item type
Insights into cultural differences: a seminar for people working with ethnic groups in the Edmonton district
A compilation of study material from a seminar on cultural differences for the instruction of people working with ethnic groups in the Edmonton area, held at the University of Alberta June 13th to 15th, 1963.
11 - 16 of 16