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  • 2018-01-01

    Chakravorty, Anna

    Most people who suffer phobias (around 60–80%) never seek treatment and of those who do seek treatment, approximately 25% either refuse exposure therapy when they hear what it entails or drops out of therapy. One of the reasons for this refusal data could be that the main feature of exposure is...

  • 2018-01-01

    Martin, Caroline

    Urban-industrial sprawl has been increasing in Canada and is associated with infrastructure development, such as highways and transmission lines. In particular, transmission line developments have been increasing globally at a rate of 5% per year, with over 230 000 km of lines existing in Canada....

  • 2018-01-01

    Laxamana, Kevin

    Today, almost everyone has heard of Bali. To some, it means a paradise which brings mental images of warm weather, palm trees, rolling waves, romantic getaways, or a scene of a wide-eyed Julia Roberts from the movie adaptation of Eat Pray Love. In general, the popular knowledge of Bali ends...

  • 2018-01-01

    Zeller, Jennifer

    “Politicizing Social Media” portrays everyday social media users and some of their political opinions. If inappropriately phrased or posted in an unfitting format, these perspectives tend to be disregarded and considered irrelevant or unpolitical by academics. This has resulted in unbalanced, if...

  • 2018-01-01

    Van Dornick, Kirsti

    Paralympic sport has a celebrated history, creating a place for athletes with impairment to compete at a level "parallel" to the Olympic Games. Athletes compete in a variety of sports that are adaptations of their mainstream counterparts (e.g. paraswimming) or that are specific to an impairment...

  • 2018-01-01

    Jean, Francesca

    This image is a fertilized zebrafish embryo that has undergone a single cell-division - a critical first step to become a fully developed fish. Zebrafish embryos must be self-sufficient since the mother lays these embryos before they even become fertilized. After fertilization, the embryo relies...

  • 2018-01-01

    McCollum, Kim

    My research explores the relationship between textile work and abstract painting. This image is a digital collage that combines several photos of me learning to block print in India. These photos are mixed with digital paint and pattern to create an image that expresses the feeling of flow...

  • 2018-01-01

    Kafara, Rylan

    My research examines who now belongs in Edmonton’s gentrifying downtown. In September 2016, the publicly financed $613 million new arena and entertainment district opened for business. Located in the urban core, the “Ice District” was already home to the majority of Edmonton’s homeless...

  • 2018-01-01

    Andrychuk, Darren

    From the early 80s to the mid-90s, gay male culture experienced a period of degradation and destruction because of the HIV crisis. In 1992 the word “Queer”, an exclusively gay male slur, was used to describe a theory and then became a label for a set of individuals for which it had no negative...

  • 2018-01-01

    Guzzo, Caitlin

    This image depicts a drop of sodium silicate (“liquid glass”) curing under polarized light. Sodium silicate, colloquially known as “waterglass” or “liquid glass”, can take the form of an aqueous solution or a solid glass. Liquid- form waterglass will solidify in contact with carbon dioxide; for...

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