Skip to Search Results- 149Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Department of
- 149Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Department of/Research Publications (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
- 109Biological Sciences, Department of
- 109Biological Sciences, Department of/Journal Articles (Biological Sciences)
- 12The NSERC TRIA Network (TRIA-Net)
- 12The NSERC TRIA Network (TRIA-Net)/Journal Articles (TRIA-Net)
- 55Mark A. Lewis
- 48Lewis, Mark A.
- 31Kouritzin, Michael
- 7Jonathan R. Potts
- 6Krkošek, Martin
- 6Stephanie J. Peacock
Ballantyne, David, Hoffman, John, Kouritzin, Michael
Particle-based nonlinear filters provide a mathematically optimal (in the limit) and sound method for solving a number of difficult filtering problems. However, there are a number of practical difficulties that can occur when applying particle-based filtering techniques to real world problems....
Chan, Hubert, Kouritzin, Michael
Filtering is a method of estimating the conditional probability distribution of a signal based upon a noisy, partial, corrupted sequence of observations of the signal. Particle filters are a method of filtering in which the conditional distribution of the signal state is approximated by the...
Lewis, Mark A., Owen, Markus R.
High-frequency ventilation isa radical departure from conventional lung ventilation, with frequenciesgreater than 2Hz, and volumesp er breath much smaller than the anatomical deadspace. Its use has been shown to benefit premature infants and patients with severe respiratory distress, but a vital...
Observations on Mount St Helens indicate that the spread of recolonizing lupin plants has been slowed due to the presence of insect herbivores and it is possible that the spread of lupins could be reversed in the future by intense insect herbivory [Fagan, W. F. and J. Bishop (2000). Trophic...
Clark, James S., Lewis, Mark A., Horvath, Lajos
For populations having dispersal described by fat‐tailed kernels (kernels with tails that are not exponentially bounded), asymptotic population spread rates cannot be estimated by traditional models because these models predict continually accelerating (asymptotically infinite) invasion. The...
Lewis, Mark A., Bingtuan Li, Hans F. Weinberger
One crucial measure of a species' invasiveness is the rate at which it spreads into a competitor's environment. A heuristic spread rate formula for a spatially explicit, two-species competition model relies on `linear determinacy' which equates spread rate in the full nonlinear model with spread...
In the context of simulating the transport of a chemical or bacterial contaminant through a moving sheet of water, we extend a well-established method of approximating reaction-diffusion equations with Markov chains by allowing convection, certain Poisson measure driving sources and a larger...
Kouritzin, Michael, Bauer, Will, Kim, Surrey
Predicting the future state of a random dynamic signal based on corrupted, distorted, and partial observations is vital for proper real-time control of a system that includes time delay. Motivated by problems from Acoustic Positioning Research Inc., we consider the continual automated...
Hans F. Weinberger, Mark A. Lewis, Bingtuan Li
The discrete-time recursion system \un+1=Q[\un] with \un(x) a vector of population distributions of species and Q an operator which models the growth, interaction, and migration of the species is considered. Previously known results are extended so that one can treat the local invasion of an...
MacIsaac, H.J., Lewis, Mark A., Robbins, T.C.
The spread of nonindigenous species in aquatic ecosystems provides an opportunity to develop new perspectives on the invasion process. In this paper we review existing invasion models, most of which were developed to describe invasions of terrestrial habitats, and propose an alternative that...