Skip to Search Results- 2Natalie Loveless: Supervisor
- 2Sean Caulfield, Supervisor
- 1Adam Slusar
- 1Adrian Emberley
- 1Adrienne Dagg
- 1Aidan Rowe
We are in a field. It is dark outside and the only sounds are of the trees and grass rustling in the wind. A vigilant light is visible from a house window. It stands out in the darkness. We are drawn to it. The point of interest is the window itself and its capacity to show both the exterior as...
Nurturing empathy for social cohesion: Participatory, community-based communication design research with gay youth living with HIV in Lebanon
The marginalization of gay youth living with HIV (GYLWH) in Lebanese society is well documented. The topic of gay youth living with HIV in a deeply conservative and homophobic society has not been studied in any great depth. The story of gay youth in Lebanon is one of the stigmatization...
Window Dressing is an exhibition that makes a public display of systemic privilege with a particularly careful eye to the way privilege is constructed, maintained and perpetuated by systems. Privilege is made material in the space of the gallery through the use of 'display' as a controlling...
On Being Without is an examination of trauma related to abandonment. I explore representations of the body by investigating interior and exterior space, questioning what happens when distressing memories are triggered by image, place and time. Normalization of trauma continues to be a major risk...
This research is a visual and empirical ethnography examining the design of clinical / semi-clinical locations of death, in relation to institutionalized dying in contemporary society. Through field observations at two palliative care sites in Alberta and interviews with end-of-life healthcare...
This thesis examines issues of performance art documentation. An art historical survey contextualizes performance art practice and theory, situating the contradicting nature of performance art as a medium that both requires documentation while also denying its possibility. A detailed case study...
Background: There are many educational resources to teach the adult population about cardiovascular disease and living a “heart healthy” lifestyle, however, there are few resources that target the pediatric population. In fact, many of the pediatric educational resources are intended for the...
Modern Indigenous is the title of my thesis and is a brand development project that aims to incorporate Indigenous culture, values, symbols and traditional materials with twenty-first century design thinking and product development. Through this process a number of modernized product designs will...
Disrupting the Designer: Applying a feminist, embodied, hermeneutic framework towards better understanding and disrupting visual design practice
This Master of Design thesis project takes an experimental approach to exploring hermeneutic phenomenology—a practical philosophy that looks at understanding lived human experience through interpretative back-and-forth dialogue and storytelling—combined with a feminist and embodied research...
Like New is an exhibition of works that explores how objects embody our deepest emotional and psychological reserves, acting as both receptacles and markers of time and space. In these book works, prints, and installations, found (or rather “sought”) images, text, and objects are repeated and...