Skip to Search Results- 44School of Library and Information Studies
- 13Digital Humanities
- 13Humanities Computing
- 2Department of Educational Policy Studies
- 1Department of Elementary Education
- 1Department of Human Ecology
- 2Stobbs, Robyn E.
- 1Babb, Maureen N
- 1Barnard, Sara H.
- 1Borynec, Anna
- 1Branch, Jennifer L
- 1Budac, Andrea
- 4Information behaviours
- 3Grounded theory
- 3Social media
- 2Communications
- 2Critical discourse analysis
- 2Facebook
Spring 2019
This study sets out to examine recurring themes found on book wrappers published by Harlequin in their first seventeen years as a form of marketing strategy. Through the use of specific image and text patterns that correspond to common themes found in paperback genres, Harlequin was able to...
Fall 2020
In the months leading up to the 2016 election in the United States, YouTube’s recommendation algorithm decidedly favored pro-Trump videos, fake news and conspiracy theories. In this thesis, I question whether such bias is present in the context of the 2019 federal election in Canada. To do so, I...
Spring 2020
My thesis examines how digital community heritage projects use care practices based in community participation and co-creation to build a care-based collection model. These grassroots initiatives aim to gather and document community history by engaging community members in the collection building...
The Body as Information: An Emergent Theory of Social Positioning and Information Behaviours in a Virtual Diet Community
DownloadFall 2021
The intersection of diet culture with the rise of online communities has led to the rapid growth of virtual diet communities, including the LoseIt community on Reddit. Using a conceptual framework of information behaviours in virtual communities and social positioning theory, this project studied...
Spring 2021
Digital libraries are online environments for organizing, sharing, and providing access to resources in digital form. Ideally, their content, functionality, organization, and metadata should reflect the needs, interests, and contexts of the communities they are meant to serve. Indigenous...
Fall 2021
Established in 2007 by the Organization for Transformative Works, the Archive of Our Own (AO3) is a fan fiction archive that hosts over three million fan works, consisting mostly of fan fiction. It has become an active hub of fan activity, making it an ideal object of study as a current...
Educating and Empowering Teen Activists in Public Libraries: A Case Study of the Impact of Reading on Young Adult Social Justice Actions
DownloadSpring 2021
In recent years, young adult (YA) fiction has, like its Generation Z audience, turned to social justice issues and activism. At the same time, the discussion of social responsibility in librarianship has begun to include human rights and social justice. This thesis investigates the relationships...
Spring 2022
Using an online survey, this research explores public opinion related to ethical concerns and the portrayal of human-like characteristics by Virtual Assistants (VAs), such as Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa. This research is centered around two research questions: 1) What ethical concerns, if...
Fall 2022
This project studied the practice of information sharing in the context of online communities devoted to the preservation of video game mods. My research investigates how these fan communities share and archive challenging content, and how they react to the potential and actual loss of these...
Networking Albertan Literary History, 1975-1979: A Bibliographic and Social Network Analysis
DownloadFall 2022
Can a bibliographic network identify the major characteristics of a corresponding social network, and what can those networks reveal about Albertan literary history in the 1970s? By combining bibliometric network methods with social network analysis, this thesis attempts to answer the above...