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- 505Department of Sociology
- 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2Department of Political Science
- 1Department of Art and Design
- 1Department of Medical Sciences
- 1Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
Item type
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 2Agrios, Jean Marie.
- 2Aujla, Wendy
- 2Avakame, Edem Frank.
- 2Bereska, Tami M.
- 2Krull, Catherine D.
- 2Lagrange, Teresa C.
A Qualitative Analysis of Criminal Justice Professionals’ Perceptions of Police Use of Community Notifications and Re-entry of High-risk People Post-incarceration
DownloadFall 2022
This thesis explores the perceptions of criminal justice professionals on police use of public disclosures for people re-entering the community post-incarceration. To better understand the practice of public disclosures, this thesis includes a qualitative thematic analysis of in-depth...
A Qualitative Study of the Mandatory Transition to Benefits Card Technology for Welfare Recipients in Toronto, Canada
DownloadFall 2020
In Canada, and in many other countries, consumers are increasingly reliant on online payment systems, such as credit and debit cards (Osler, 2018). As these payment technologies become the financial norm, governments and corporations are grappling with how to include people who do not have bank...
21 - 30 of 505