Skip to Search Results- 2Cortini, Francesco
- 2Dias de Andrade Silva, Raiany
- 2Echiverri, Laureen F. I.
- 2Isaac-Renton, Miriam G
- 2Lin, Sisi
- 2Najar, Ahmed
The role of fine sediment in phosphorus dynamics and stream productivity in Rocky Mountain headwater streams: Possible long-term effects of logging
DownloadSpring 2014
Headwater streams in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains are important in regulating aquatic ecosystem function and a range of downstream water resources but are vulnerable to stresses imposed by disturbances including those exerted by logging. The objectives of this research were to determine if the...
Spring 2020
Surface mining is an anthropogenic disturbance which significantly alters natural ecosystems, involving the removal of vegetation, top and subsoils, and several metres of overburden material before accessing valuable resources. Forest reclamation efforts following surface mining face several...
Fall 2017
Legacy propagule banks of salvaged topsoils are excellent sources of plant propagules for reclamation of mine sites. However, prior studies show that less than 50% of species found in original propagule banks actually establish. We hypothesize that the expression of this legacy propagule bank is...
The role of microtopography in vegetation colonization and early forest development on mine reclamation sites
DownloadSpring 2023
Microsite heterogeneity is an important variable that drives biodiversity in forests. Current forest reclamation practices often do not incorporate site heterogeneity in their practices which might pose a challenge to the reclamation goals of restoring disturbed sites to resilient and sustainable...
The Role of Nutrient and Carbon Reserve Status of Aspen Seedlings in Root-Soil Interactions
DownloadFall 2015
The boreal forest is one of the largest forest ecosystems in the world, covering 14.7 million km2 globally. The Canadian boreal forest has a wealth of natural resources, including coal, timber, and oil; as resource exploration and exploitation has expanded, anthropogenic disturbance in the boreal...
Fall 2018
The physical and chemical properties associated with different soil materials are arguably the most important factor affecting early seedling growth and survival as they determine the amount of rooting space, nutrients and water available to planted seedlings. The likelihood of successful...
The root distribution, architecture, transpiration and root sapflow dynamics of mature trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) growing along a hillslope
DownloadFall 2013
The objectives of this study were to explore comparative controls by atmospheric and belowground variables governing transpiration of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) growing along a water limited hillslope. Vertical and horizontal root distribution, intra- and inter-clonal root connections,...
The seasonality of non-structural carbohydrates in mature boreal Betula papyrifera and potential constraints in their remobilization
DownloadSpring 2023
Assimilated non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) can be stored as reserves in plants and remobilized during periods of asynchrony between carbon acquisition and carbon demand to fuel essential metabolic functions and growth. However, the framework of NSC allocation to reserves and their...
The Structure and Dynamics of Fish Isotopic and Trophic Niches in Natural Lakes and Constructed Fisheries Offsets in the Alberta Oil Sands
DownloadFall 2022
Habitat offsets, where damages to natural ecosystems caused by socio-economic development projects are compensated for by the construction or restoration of other ecosystems, can contribute to biological conservation when implemented properly. But, large uncertainties remain surrounding our...