Skip to Search Results- 2Cortini, Francesco
- 2Dias de Andrade Silva, Raiany
- 2Echiverri, Laureen F. I.
- 2Isaac-Renton, Miriam G
- 2Lin, Sisi
- 2Najar, Ahmed
Mixing tree species and density management to reduce drought susceptibility in coastal plantation forests of British Columbia
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The coastal forests of British Columbia have been experiencing longer and more intense droughts in recent years. To evaluate the effects of species composition and density on drought sensitivity, a study was conducted in a Douglas-fir:western redcedar plantation established in 1992, in the...
Perennial Forage Polycultures and Organic Amendments Drive Soil Carbon Sequestration and Organic Matter Stabilization: Results After 90 Years of Management at the Breton Plots
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Increasing agricultural intensification threatens to strain already degrading global soil resources while simultaneously escalating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Loss of soil organic matter (SOM) from agroecosystems is a major cause of soil degradation and a source of considerable...
Modeling Wildfire Perimeter Formation for Strategic Containment Line Planning in the Boreal Forest Region of Alberta, Canada
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The edge or perimeter of a wildland fire is an important characteristic that marks the extent of land area that has burned. It is not only an ecological boundary, but also an administrative way of documenting the direct impact of a wildfire. Weather has a well-established influence on fire...
Biochar Addition Affects the Performance of Portland Cement Composites: Meta-analysis and Laboratory Experiments
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Portland cement is the most widely used binder in construction. However, the production of Portland cement emits a large amount of CO2, and one strategy to decrease such anthropogenic CO2 emissions is to reduce the amount of Portland cement produced by partially replacing it with supplementary...
Developing gridded climate data using neural networks: high-resolution historical climate and future projections for Africa
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Databases of high-resolution interpolated climate data are essential for climate change research, such as analyzing impacts of climate extreme events on biological systems and the development of climate change adaptation strategies for managed and natural ecosystems. To enable such efforts, this...
Landscape influences on downstream concentrations of mercury, methylmercury, and dissolved organic carbon in permafrost peatland catchments
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Thawing permafrost in northern regions threatens to increase the downstream delivery of mercury (Hg) and its organic form, methylmercury (MeHg). Permafrost thaw may mobilize large Hg and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) stores from permafrost soils. Once mobilized, inorganic Hg (Hg(II)) can be...
Growth and physiology of mycorrhizal plants in soil containing enhanced non-segregating oil sands tailings
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Open-pit mining of oil sands in Alberta, Canada, has resulted in a large-scale land disturbance of the boreal forest ecosystem and produced large amounts of tailings. To improve the effectiveness of the tailings solidification process and to make the tailings less harmful to vegetation, the novel...
Perennial Forage Mixtures: An Integrated Approach to Investigating their Performance for Multifunctionality
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Perennial forage mixtures are used in the feeding regimes of beef cattle producers in Alberta. This provides consistency in the supply of forage biomass and nutritive value to cover up lapses in annual forage supply, and adequately improve the performance of beef cattle. Additionally, perennial...
Diversified No-Till Crop Rotations: Soil Health Attributes across Multiple Ecozones on the Canadian Prairies
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Traditional cereal-based cropping systems on the Canadian prairies have contributed considerably to soil and environmental degradation, increased production costs, and a threat to agricultural sustainability. To address global food demand, there is a need for sustainable cropping systems that...
Effects of Changing Climate on Interactions Among Mountain Pine Beetle, Host Tree, and Microorganisms
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Environmental factors such as elevated levels of CO2 and O3 are increasingly affecting forest trees globally. Changes in climate have led to shifts in the geographic distribution of pests and pathogens associated with forests, with predictions of more native and invasive pests in the future. In...