Skip to Search Results- 2Cortini, Francesco
- 2Dias de Andrade Silva, Raiany
- 2Echiverri, Laureen F. I.
- 2Isaac-Renton, Miriam G
- 2Lin, Sisi
- 2Najar, Ahmed
Carbon Dynamics across Contrasting Temperate Agroecosystems: Soil Organic Matter Pools, Mycorrhizae, Water Use-efficiency, Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes
DownloadSpring 2022
Perennial grain crops have been proposed as a sustainable alternative to conventional annual grain crops, since they potentially hold multiple desirable features including increased soil C sequestration and biodiversity, mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs), and reduction of water loss and...
Spring 2010
Land use and land use change strongly influence the carbon (C) dynamics within ecosystems. This study quantified four aspects of land use and land use change effects: 1) ecosystem C stocks and distribution; 2) soil respiration; 3) soil C mineralization; and 4) net ecosystem productivity. Land use...
Spring 2011
This thesis is a collection of four papers that explore the economics of forest carbon sequestration and optimal harvest decision, considering carbon storage in three major carbon pools: biomass, dead organic matter and wood product. The first three papers use a dynamic programming approach to...
Cavity Availability, Characteristics and Use by Over-wintering Birds and Mammals in Southern Yukon
DownloadSpring 2020
Cavity using birds and mammals are significant components of boreal forest communities, and the availability of tree cavities suitable for roosting and resting may be critical for supporting these communities. Furthermore, cavity availability and habitat suitability may limit populations of...
Challenges of utilizing municipal compost as an amendment in boreal forest reclamation subsoil material
DownloadFall 2018
Forest reclamation sites are often located in areas not suited for agriculture and therefore have poor soil conditions. To assist in the rehabilitation of forests on these types of sites, organic amendments can be used. Close to large urban centers, compost derived from municipal organic waste...