Skip to Search Results- 2Coulombe, Marilyne G.
- 2Kinnaird, Adam
- 2Srivastava, Nutan
- 1Abdualla, Radya Y
- 1Abofayed, Hiatem Abdullah
- 1Aburahess, Salah
- 8Primary Biliary Cholangitis
- 7Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- 7Inflammatory bowel disease
- 6Endothelial cells
- 5Acute myeloid leukemia
- 5Mitochondria
Spring 2019
BackgroundThe assessment of acute pain due to trauma (APT) in adults is pivotal to clinical decision-making for optimal pain management. Clinicians are expected to employ validated measurement tools, such as the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), to examine the complex and unique phenomenon of pain of...
Transmission of Tuberculosis from Patients with Typical Versus Atypical Chest Radiographs: Implications for Automated Systems
DownloadFall 2015
Automated detection of “typical” pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) on chest radiograph (CXR) is warranted if it can be shown that patients with “typical” (vs “atypical”) CXRs are responsible for most public health consequences. Patient demographics and mycobacteriology of all adults (age >14 years)...
Trends in Cause-Specific Mortality after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI): Observations from the Alberta Provincial Project for Outcome assessment in Coronary Heart disease (APPROACH) Registry
DownloadFall 2018
Objectives: This study evaluated trends in 30-day, 1-, and 2-year cause-specific mortality using a large, contemporary cohort undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Background: Prior work has shown that patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are older with...
Fall 2020
Renal autoregulation, comprised of the myogenic response (MR) and the kidney-specific tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF), maintains steady perfusion to the kidneys despite blood pressure fluctuations. The emphasis of this work is on TGF, the dynamics of which generate autonomous oscillations that...
Fall 2022
Background Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of inherited neuromuscular disorders with heart disease as a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Dystrophinopathies such as Duchenne and Becker MD, limb-girdle MD, type 1 myotonic dystrophy (DM1), and facioscapulohumeral MD are most associated...
Understanding Heart Failure in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy: A Direct Tissue Analysis from Explanted Human Hearts
DownloadFall 2022
Background Chronic heart failure (HF) remains a rising global epidemic that affects both adults and children population. The causes of HF are heterogeneous, and syndromes are often complicated by concomitant disorders such as iron deficiency (ID) and diabetes. Comorbidities not only complicate...
Understanding the Context of Pharmacy Practice Change: Gaining insight into the professional culture of pharmacy and pharmacists’ personality
DownloadFall 2014
Background: Pharmacists around the world are being asked to adopt, and integrate, an increasing number of clinical services into their practices. Evidence for the efficacy of pharmacists’ interventions in patient care also continues to grow. Traditional approaches to understanding practice change...
Unveiling the pathway for the nuclear translocation of the large mitochondrial enzyme Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDC)
DownloadSpring 2021
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) is a mitochondrial enzyme that links glycolysis to oxidative phosphorylation by decarboxylating glucose-derived pyruvate to produce acetyl-CoA that is used in the Krebs cycle. PDC was initially thought to reside only in the mitochondrial matrix but we recently...