Skip to Search Results- 3Tze, Man Chung
- 2Abbott, Jodi L.
- 2Ackerman, Kathleen A.
- 2Alexander, Jane.
- 2Andrews, Jac
- 2Angus, Nanna Maria.
- 30Counseling
- 28Interpersonal relations
- 24Psychotherapy
- 21Adolescent psychology
- 20Learning, Psychology of
- 19Cognition in children
Entheogen-Assisted Self-Transcendence & Psychospiritual Development: A Study of Positive Psychedelic Drug Use
DownloadFall 2021
This dissertation examined the relationship between psychedelic-facilitated self-transcendent experiences and positive adult development. Although anthropologists note that humans have an extensive history of using these psychoactive substances to induce transformative states for beneficial...
Canadian school psychologists' understanding of bullying intervention based on their experiences in Alberta, Canada
DownloadFall 2021
School bullying (referred to in this thesis as bullying) was a phenomenon with serious implications regarding short-term and long-term effects on the individuals involved (Craig & Pepler, 1999). While interventions of bullying early in an individual’s life might help alleviate the effects of...
“This isn’t gonna fix your child,” Experiences of parents using involuntary stabilization for a child’s substance use
DownloadFall 2021
Background: Evidenced-informed strategies are urgently needed to support families who are struggling with a youth’s substance use disorder. One strategy used in several Canadian provinces is involuntary stabilization programs, which involve the apprehension and confinement of youth whose...
Computer Mediated Communication and Social Anxiety: Are the Benefits of Disclosing Online Contingent on Disclosing Face-to-face
DownloadFall 2021
Young people with social anxiety are vulnerable to deficits in social connectedness and appraisals of their subjective wellbeing. Computer mediated communication (CMC) tools (e.g., text messaging, social networking sites) encourage interacting with friends, are ubiquitous in the lives of young...
A New Avenue for Teacher Education: Virtual Reality Intervention as a Path Towards Reducing Public Speaking Anxiety and Supporting Growth Mindsets
DownloadFall 2021
The National Institute of Mental Health reports that public speaking anxiety affects approximately 73% of the population (2016). Individuals with a fear of public speaking worry about being judged in social situations by other people (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). This is a problem if...
Automated Item Generation by Combining the Non-template and Template-based Approaches to Generate Reading Inference Test Items
DownloadSpring 2021
Automatic item generation (AIG) is an area of research, where cognitive and psychometric modeling practices are used to create test items with the aid of computer technology. AIG can produce a large number of test items to support the surging demand for test administration. Two general methods...
Examining Emerging Adults’ Motivations for Sexting, Subjective Well-being, and Relationship Quality: A Self-Determination Perspective
DownloadSpring 2021
Researchers have documented many reasons why young people participate in sexting and a range of positive and negative outcomes associated with the activity. However, almost no research links outcomes with specific reasons, and the few instances where they are linked (e.g., Drouin et al., 2015;...
Active and Independent Learning in Blended Learning. An Analysis of Student Characteristics, Trace Data, and Academic Performance
DownloadSpring 2021
In Higher Education, instructors provide students with opportunities to develop essential knowledge, competencies and skills. To offer students the highest quality learning experiences, effective instructors analyze their practice, intentionally seek to identify and check their teaching...
Fall 2021
Resilience, or one’s ability to respond to significant threat and achieve positive adaptation, is a highly researched and continually developing field of research. Due to the fact that approximately 32% of Canadians reported experiencing a history of physical, sexual, and/or exposure to intimate...
Grammar Practice and Communicative Language Teaching: Groundwork for an Investigation into the Concept of Transfer-Appropriateness
DownloadFall 2021
It is now over four decades that communicative language teaching (CLT) has been dominant in the domain of second language (L2) teaching. During the early years, grammar instruction faced opposition from the proponents of a strong version of CLT due to the disfavour the existed at that time for...