Skip to Search Results- 1352Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
- 3Department of Biomedical Engineering
- 2Department of Biological Sciences
- 2Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
- 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 1Department of Human Ecology
- 2Bendrich, Michelle
- 2El-Thaher, Nayef
- 2Fadic Eulefi, Anton
- 2Hoseinzadeh Hejazi, Sayed Alireza
- 2Hosseininejad, Seyed Shaham Aldin
- 2Kammammettu, Sanjula
- 44Xu, Zhenghe (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 40Huang, Biao (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 34Liu, Qingxia (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 29Zeng, Hongbo (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 27Henein, Hani (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
- 21Gupta, Rajender (Chemical and Materials Engineering)
The Use of Polyacrylamide as a Selective Depressant in the Separation of Chalcopyrite and Galena
DownloadSpring 2013
High molecular weight polyacrylamide (PAM) was tested as a potential selective depressant in the differential flotation separation of galena and chalcopyrite using potassium ethyl xanthate (KEX) as a collector. In single mineral flotation, PAM depressed chalcopyrite while galena was floatable....
Theoretical study on reactivity of different sulfide collectors and their binding affinity toward Cu(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II) ions.
DownloadSpring 2016
Collectors are one of the most important ingredients of froth flotation in mineral processing, as they selectively render the desired minerals more hydrophobic than others. Current crop of sulfide collectors interact with almost all sulfide minerals. This necessitates the use of complicated...
Spring 2014
The stability of the ether bond affects coal dissolution during direct coal liquefaction and aliphatic ethers are reportedly the most reactive of the oxygenate classes during liquefaction. Some ether compounds are also persistent to high temperature during coal pyrolysis. The thermolysis of ether...
Fall 2022
High maintenance costs due to significant abrasive wear of components is experienced in the energy and mining sectors despite the current use of tough and hard coatings. During the coating process significant detrimental residual stresses may build up and result in premature failure of a...
Fall 2018
Canada has one of the largest oil reserves in the world, with around 3 trillion ultimate reserves in heavy oil. Even though, one of the major difficulties that Canadian Oil sands industry has faced over time is the transportation of bitumen due to its extremely high viscosity. Having this in...
Fall 2012
Better definition of asphaltene structure is needed to develop new technology for upgrading, and to understand various bitumen properties. Analysis of asphaltene structure is hampered by aggregation of molecules at a length scale of 5 to 10 nm. At 300°C, the addition of aromatic solvents can...
Spring 2012
Resolution of reaction pathways to coke formation during the upgrading of heavy resources, such as the vacuum residue fraction of bitumen, is hampered by the extreme complexity of these materials. Alternatively, probing the molecular–level reactions and cracking kinetics of model compounds that...
Fall 2024
Bio-oil (BO) is a promising and renewable energy source that could alleviate dependence on fossil fuels, but its direct use faces challenges due to low thermal stability and high corrosiveness. Co-processing BO with vacuum gas oil (VGO) in existing refineries offers a solution without requiring...