Skip to Search Results- 472Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)
- 220Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/AOSERP Reports
- 83Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Government of Alberta Reports
- 72Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/OSRIN Technical Reports
- 61Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Syncrude Canada Ltd. Reports
- 37Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of
- 471Report
- 37Thesis
- 6Article (Draft / Submitted)
- 3Research Material
- 2Conference/Workshop Poster
- 2Conference/Workshop Presentation
Includes sections outlining the requirements of: • Environmental impact to tar sands development • The Water Resources Act with specific reference to tar sands development • The Clean Air Act with specific reference to tar sands development • The Clean Water Act with specific reference to tar...
In the Spring of 1971, the management of Syncrude contacted Renewable Resources Consulting Services regarding assessments of potential ecological impacts on the lease area. As a result, a preliminary investigation of ecological relationships was undertaken in July of 1971. This was followed by...
Transportation corridor study. Volume 2 Appendix: Extracts from existing literature compiled for use of Study Group
Stewart Weir Stewart Watson & Heinrichs
With the large number of persons involved in this particular study it was decided that considerable time (money) could be saved by gathering into one volume extracts of available literature. Reports, studies by other groups, articles, information and literature in regard to environmental impact,...
Athabasca tar sands development environmental impact statement matrix: Physical & chemical characteristics
Alberta Environment, Standards and Approvals Division
The environmental impact assessment matrix is a simple way of summarizing which impacts are considered of greatest significance. It is a checklist or reminder of the full range of actions and impacts and is aimed at separating, as far as possible, factual information on magnitude of each type...
During project planning, Syncrude Canada Ltd. became concerned for possible archaeological resources which might be endangered by its development in Athabasca Tar Sands Lease #17. Proposals were solicited by Syncrude for assistance in conducting a survey of the Lease #17 area to determine its...
Transportation corridor study. Volume 4 Appendix: Environment - general characteristics & conditions - part 1
Bolter Parish Trimble Ltd., Ducks Unlimited (Canada), Tom Peters and Associates, Siemens Realty & Appraisal Services Ltd., Stewart Weir Stewart Watson & Heinrichs
Contains the following sections: Environment Characteristics and Conditions - Bolter Parish Trimble Ltd. Soils - Tom Peters and Associates Wildlife - Stewart Weir Stewart Watson & Heinrichs, Ducks Unlimited (Canada) Preliminary Review and Land Evaluation - Siemens Realty and Appraisal Services Ltd.
Intercontinental Engineering of Alberta Ltd.
A collection of working papers that helped inform the final report and recommendations, including: • Recommended Models for Calculating Diffusion From Point Sources With Applications to the Athabasca Bituminous Sands Area Western Research & Development Ltd • Meteorological Aspects of the...
An environmental study of the Athabasca tar sands: Report and recommendations to Alberta Department of the Environment
Intercontinental Engineering of Alberta Ltd.
The following was the general concept of the work for which the Study was commissioned: • Identify the various methods that could be used for oil extraction and their comparative merits with respect to minimum adverse effects on the environment. • In considering the Clark method of tar sands...
K.C. Mackenzie Associates Ltd.
The general purpose of this report is to examine various constraints, resulting from human settlement patterns, which will affect the selection of a route for the proposed pipeline corridor. In addition to the definition of constraints, the report will also identify factors which, unlike...
Tottrup Engineering Limited, F.F. Slaney & Company Limited, Kates, Peat, Marwick & Company
This study reviews constraints that should be considered in connection with synthetic crude pipe line gathering systems and routes within the Athabasca tar sands area. Specifically the terms of reference of this study were defined as: a) Study and identify all the important constraints in...