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Subject / Keyword
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 472Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)
- 220Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/AOSERP Reports
- 83Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Government of Alberta Reports
- 72Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/OSRIN Technical Reports
- 61Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN)/Syncrude Canada Ltd. Reports
- 36Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), Faculty of
Item type
- 471Report
- 36Thesis
- 6Article (Draft / Submitted)
- 3Research Material
- 2Conference/Workshop Poster
- 2Conference/Workshop Presentation
Near-Wellbore Salinity Effect on Sand Control Plugging by Fines Migration in Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Producer Wells
DownloadFall 2023
Sand control screens are necessary for steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) wells drilled into oil sands to prevent sand production. However, the accumulation of mobilized fine particles near the wellbore can result in screen plugging, adversely affecting the well's flow performance. This...
521 - 521 of 521