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Subject / Keyword
- 58Canada, Northwest Territories, Yellowknife
- 33Photographs
- 122015/07/08
- 11Public Art - Polar Regions
- 11Urban Art in Yellowknife
- 102015/07/10
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 57Campbell, Sandy
- 9Beaudreau, Diane, biologist, artist
- 1Knighton, Frank (Carver)
- 1Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
- 1Robertson, Dean E. (painter)
- 1Sandy Campbell
Item type
Yellowknife is the closest centre to Canada's three largest diamond mines. The NWT Diamond Centre is both an interpretive centre and sales outlet for diamonds. In addition to display cases housing diamond jewelry for viewing and sale, photographs and a video educate visitors to the geology of...
This lighthouse sits on top of a commercial building on Franklin Avenue in Yellowknife. A sign at the Tourist Information Centre reads, \"A Northern Lighthouse is a specially designed community space weather beacon that indicates when conditions are right for geomagnetic storms caused by the...
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