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  • 2016-10-17

    Wilson, Sheena

    Insight Grant funded in 2017. the world of the present is a 'Petroculture', where cultural, economic, ideological, legal and political relationships --locally and globally-- have been shaped by oil and its networks of power. Energy transition demands social transformation. This research is...

  • 2021-11-14

    Dorow, Sara

    SSHRC PDG awarded 2024: Intersectionality captures how inequality, privilege, and marginalization are formed at the confluence of gender, racialized status, class, sexuality, ability, and other social dimensions. Academics, policymakers, and the community sector have increasingly recognized the...

  • 2016-10-14

    Cadenillas, Abel

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: The 2007-2009 financial crises, government debt crises in USA and EU have motivated investigation into the following six topics: 1) optimal investment, liability ratio and dividend policies when the external risk is negatively correlated with returns in the financial...

  • 2017-01-25

    Smallwood, Scott

    SSHRC Awarded IDG 2017: The expansion of video games as a medium has precipitated a healthy indie game movement, and created opportunities for media artists to explore interactive art creation. However, audio and music in games is still primarily constrained to sound effects, dialog and emotive...

  • 09/30/2021

    Dorow, Sara

    SSRHC IG awarded 2022: "Meaning of work" refers to how individuals make sense of paid work and their working selves in relation to the changing institutional facts of work and the broader social worlds in which they experience work. Work-Life aims to advance understanding of the intersecting ways...

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