
The influence of hydrologic condition and peat oxia on phosphorous and nitrogen dynamics of a conifer swamp

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  • A massb alancea pproachw as usedt o determinet he factorsi nfluencingp hosphorusa nd nitrogen dynamicsi n wetlandsc ommont o headwaterc atchmentso f the PrecambrianS hield. The relationships of runoff, water level, water temperaturea, nd anoxiat o the annuala nd seasonalt otal phosphorus( TP) and total nitrogen( TN) retentionso f a headwater$ phagnum-conifesrw ampd uring 1987-1988w ere examined. Annual retentions of TP (4%) and TN (10%) were low in the swamp. On an annual basis, inputse xceededo utputso f totalr eactiveP , NO3-N, andN H4-N ando utputse xceededin putso f total unreactiveP and total organicN . Seasonatlr endsi n P and N retentionw ere inversely correlated with runoff. Positive monthly retention coincided with low runoff and increased biotic assimilation during the growings eason.W ater tabled rawdownd uringt he summerw as associatedw ith peat aerationa nd increased levels of P and N in surface and pore water. High levels of P and N in the swamp surface water duringt he fall and winter were coupledw ith increasedru noff, saturatedo verlandf low, and potentiallyl ow biotic assimilatiorne sultingin a net releaseo f TP and TN. Large flow througho f waterbornei nputsa nd flushingo f regeneratedP andN occurredd uringp eak snowmeltr unoffr esulting in low annual retention.

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  • Type of Item
    Article (Published)
  • DOI
  • License
    Copyright 1993 by the American Geophysical Union
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  • Citation for previous publication
    • KJ Devito and PJ Dillon. "The influence of hydrologic condition and peat oxia on phosphorous and nitrogen dynamics of a conifer peatland." Water Resources Research 29 (1993): 2675-2685. DOI: 10.1029/93WR00622