
Site-specific Industrial Tracer Application to the Petroleum Industry. Final Report

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  • This review presents a summary of tracers use in environmental applications and the potential for tracer use in the Athabasca oil sands. An extensive literature search was conducted accessing articles in refereed journals, theses and unpublished studies conducted by AITF.

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    Conditions of Use Main, C. and D. Jones, 2014. Site-specific Industrial Tracer Application to the Petroleum Industry. Final Report. Report prepared by Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures, Edmonton, Alberta for Environment Canada, Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy Division, Gatineau, Quebec. 26 pp. Permission for non-commercial use, publication or presentation of excerpts or figures is granted, provided appropriate attribution (as above) is cited. Commercial reproduction, in whole or in part, is not permitted without prior written consent. The use of these materials by the end user is done without any affiliation with or endorsement by Environment Canada or Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures. Reliance upon the end user's use of these materials is at the risk of the end user.