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Development of “The Cognition and Communication Home Workbook for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury”

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  • “The Cognition and Communication Home Workbook for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury” was designed to target speech, language and communication deficits and build upon strengths of individuals with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Development of the workbook was requested by the Brain Care Center (BCC), a non-profit agency serving clients who have sustained a brain injury. This workbook is based on the process-oriented home rehabilitation format, which emphasizes personal self-awareness and self-regulation (Warden et al., 2000). The home workbook contains stimulation activities, scripts, social games and templates that can be used to improve day-to-day functioning. Staff at the BCC will choose and distribute activities that match client needs. Personally and socially, this workbook will provide much-needed community reintegration support. Created out of a need to rehabilitate adults with brain injury back into their community, workbook activities are based on evidence obtained through a literature review of TBI and community reintegration. The TBI workbook was developed alongside a workbook for individuals with speech and language disorders following left-hemisphere stroke and included: meetings with BCC and the partner group who developed the stroke workbook, review of the literature, and development of tasks and activities for the workbook. Following completion, an in-service was provided to the BCC on how the workbook was created and designed to be used. This paper describes the process followed in the development of the workbook including the evidence supporting the activities, as well as limitations, suggestions for improvement, and potential future directions.

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    Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International