Environmental Impact Assessment Reports

Environmental Impact Assessment reports for large industrial disturbances such as oil sands mines and processing plants have been required under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (and predecessor legislation) since 1973. Reports submitted since 2001 in digital format are available at https://external.sp.environment.gov.ab.ca/DocArc/EIA/Pages/default.aspx. This Collection contains earlier oil sands mine and plant site Environmental Impact Assessment reports. OSRIN appreciates the efforts of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Government Library staff in providing the materials to be digitized.

Items in this Collection

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  • 1978

    Alsands Project Group

    Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Ltd., Chevron Standard Limited, Dome Petroleum Limited, Gulf Canada Limited, Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas Company Limited, Pacific Petroleums Ltd., Petrofina Canada Ltd., Shell Canada Resources Limited and Shell Explorer Limited, (collectively called the \"Applicant\")...

  • 1973

    Syncrude Canada Ltd.

    Syncrude Canada Limited and the Government of the Province of Alberta are currently negotiating the practicability of proceeding with a synthetic crude oil production project. During the course of analyzing the practicability of the project, the need for an environmental impact assessment was...

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