Project Reports (Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology)
Items in this Collection
- 23Adamowicz, Wiktor
- 17Unterschultz, Jim
- 16Boxall, Peter C.
- 15Veeman, Michele M.
- 14Goddard, Ellen
- 9Novak, Frank
- 28Canada, Alberta
- 21Canada
- 11Consumer behaviour
- 11International trade
- 9Risk management
- 8Canada, Saskatchewan
- 99Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, Department of
- 99Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, Department of/Project Reports (Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology)
- 1Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, Department of/Working Papers (Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology)
Watson, David, Boxall, Peter C., Miller, Jamie, Unterschultz, Jim
The effects of grazing cattle in many riparian areas have greatly affected the associated landscapes over the past 50 years. The riparian areas of streams and rivers provide numerous ecological services, and it has been demonstrated that cattle grazing can disrupt this zone, negatively affecting...
The Incorporation of Nontimber Goods and Services in Integrated Resource Management. I. An Introduction to the Alberta Moose Hunting Study Interim Project Report
Louviere, Jordan J., Williams, Michael, Boxall, Peter C., McLeod, Kristine, Adamowicz, Wiktor
Although participation in recreational hunting has been declining in Alberta throughout the mid 1980s and early 1990s, participation in moose hunting appears to have remained stable until about 1990 (Figure 1). The reasons for this comparative stability and the recent decline in participation are...
Horbulyk, Theodore M., Adamowicz, Wiktor
If economic instruments are to play a role in the resolution of water quantity problems, then two important preliminary steps will be to assess what those problems are and to ascertain what scope there is for resolving them with policy reforms. The next section of the paper addresses these two...
The Social Context of Flood Risk in Alberta: Perspectives from Municipal Planners, Insurance Agents, the General Public and Media Sources
Macnab, Caitlin, Boxall, Peter, Parkins, John
This project report contains research conducted by senior undergraduate students in a university capstone course, from January to April, 2021. The course invites students to conduct original research as an integrative experience for a degree in the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental...
Deans, Mae, Gill, Dhara S., Apedaile, L. Peter
Rural business owners in Alberta are often described as independent minded entrepreneurs. The reality is that they do engage in social networking. This project focussed upon the social networks that help rural business owners access markets beyond their local area. The data were provided by the...
Nilsson, Tomas, Trautman, Dawn, Goddard, Ellen
In light of recent food safety crises and international trade concerns associated with food or animal associated diseases, traceability has once again become important in the minds of public policymakers, business decision makers, consumers and special interest groups. This study reviews studies...
Goddard, Ellen, Muringai, Violet
Trust and perceptions of fairness in markets have been shown to be important in consumer behavior in different contexts. However, there have not been many studies relating the concept of fairness is supply chains to food purchasing behavior. In this study, we explore the relationships between...
Huang, Wenzhao, Yang, Jun, Schram, Craig, Goddard, Ellen
Livestock industries are significantly affected by changes in consumer behaviour. In order to add value to meat and livestock production, many firms and farms are supporting the development of new products -- these products can differ by credence attribute, by degree of processing and by...
Unterschultz, Jim, Quagrainie, Kwamena K., Jeffrey, Scott
In recent years in Canada, direct support provided by governments to the agricultural sector has been decreasing due to international obligations under the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Consequently,...